Sunday, January 17, 2010

Surprise party

My bestest friend organised a surprise party for me :) she picked me up at 7:45pm and we went to her house. i was blind folded and scared as to what she had planned. when i entered the house- i saw everyone who i had grown up with. it was great! We ate so much australian food and watched a movie of my life. After the party..we went and fed wild possums in the city. they ate straight out of my hand and i was even able to pat them. it was so great. stopped off at maccas and ate lots and then at 2am went to mt cootha to have a toast and drink maison. it was a perfect nite and i am going to miss my brissie friends and family.


  1. Love the blog Lauren!! When you have time and I see you on facebook I will tell you where I get my backgrounds from and how to do it.

    Take care.


  2. YAY!! I am so glad you started a blog!! Anyway Can't wait to hear about the updates of the adventure. All The best!

    Love Ya
